synthema assembly meeting

AISym4med at the synthema assembly meeting

On May 8th, 2023, our project coordinator, David Belo, from Fraunhofer Portugal, has been invited to present the AISym4MED project to the SYNTHEMA project Assembly Meeting.

SYNTHEMA is an Horizon Europe project focused on establishing a cross-border hub to develop and validate Artificial Intelligence techniques for anonymisation and synthetic data generation in rare hematological diseases.

An incredible opportunity for sharing best practices and expertise on artificial intelligence for anonymization and synthetic data generation in the medical field.

AISym4MED, similar to SynthEMA, aims to improve the Health Data System at the European level. More specifically, AISym4MED aims at developing a platform that will provide healthcare data engineers, practitioners, and researchers access to a trustworthy dataset system augmented with controlled data synthesis for experimentation and modeling purposes. This platform will address data privacy and security by combining new anonymization techniques, attribute-based privacy measures, and trustworthy tracking systems.

Read more about the AISym4MED project !

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